

When are you your most productive? For me, hands down, it is the day before I leave to go on vacation. I feel this urgent need to wrap up projects, clean out my email inbox and more. I’m heading out of town in an hour or so, and so true to form last night I…

Trust and Relationships

Trust and Relationships

One of the things that I really love about this business is that it is a relationship business. We build relationships with our clients before, during and after transactions which are some of the biggest milestones in their lives … which when done right will lead to referrals and repeat business. We build relationships with…

Monday Motivation

Monday Motivation

A couple weeks ago on our Friday weekly team call, one of the agents on my team was sharing about what a rough week she had been having. Difficult clients, losing a transaction, plus family things on top of that. We’ve all been there, and the longer you’ve been in business and the more business…



I’m on a roll with the Oprah quotes this week! This one really resonated with me though, and so I had to share. Money has never been a motivator for me. Yes, I do enjoy making money, and I love the freedom that comes from a comfortably sized bank account, but it isn’t what drives…



I have to say … getting older brings some mixed feelings, except for this one. Without a doubt, as the years tick by I do become more clear about who I am. Unapologetically. Part of it I think comes naturally from the aging process, more years means more experience and more experiences. Part of it…