The Club.
This post is something that I shared on my Instagram page a couple days ago, and I had such a wonderful response and loved reading everyone’s comments that I thought it would be good to share here. I know that many of us are in this club …
Supported a friend today as she laid her mother to rest. No matter the circumstances or “relief” that comes after an extended period of suffering, losing your mother is a strange sensation.
I know it well having lost my mother 4 ½ years ago. Her death precipitated huge changes in my life (many for the better), and also marked the start of what has been one of the most challenging seasons of my life.
Another friend said that we are part of a club that no one really wants to be in. The club of motherless daughters.
My mom loved to decorate for all of the seasons and holidays. Christmas, Halloween, St Patricks Day, Easter. Anything and everything, and I loved it all. I have such fond memories of the decorations and how it made our home feel. It should be no surprise then to anyone who knows me (or follows me on social media!) that I have followed in her footsteps.
My mom also loved shoes and handbags, but especially shoes. If she found a style she loved she bought them in every color. I remember her at the age I am now wearing high heels to work everyday and how I thought it was so fancy and glamorous. Now I know how much they hurt her feet, and usually give in to flats these days!
Comment here with a favorite memory or trait of your mom.