Instant Gratification

Instant Gratification

I’m still in full on recovery mode over here, but as I am feeling better and stronger and weaning off the pain meds, my head is feeling more clear and is beginning to swirl with ideas. I totally stole this quote from my business partner Vicky Noufal today who posted it in her group, but I…



Four days post op, things I am grateful for … -Family and friends. So many deliveries of food, yummy treats, balloons, books, flowers. -Aunt Coo Coo (Shirley Sanbower) has been toting my kids hither and yon, doing her best to make me edible soup (cooking is not her gift), and brought me (most likely Uncle…

Today is your day

Today is your day

I’m headed to the hospital this morning for a mastectomy. It has been a truly challenging last 6 weeks or so. Many (well meaning) folks gave me the advice not to share publicly my current struggle at all or at least until it was over for fear of how it may affect my business or…