

I have to say … getting older brings some mixed feelings, except for this one. Without a doubt, as the years tick by I do become more clear about who I am. Unapologetically. Part of it I think comes naturally from the aging process, more years means more experience and more experiences. Part of it…

Monday Motivation

Monday Motivation

We all have daily habits. Those things that we do every day, often automatically without even thinking about it. Drinking our morning coffee or tea, brushing our teeth, having dinner with our family. But what about daily habits for your business? That’s a tough one, isn’t it? Real estate is so unpredictable. You can have…

Planning ahead

Planning ahead

It’s been a wonderful Summer! One of the great benefits to being self-employed is being able to have more control over our schedules. Hopefully, you’ve had a chance to slow down this Summer and take some much needed time off, find flexibility in your routine and slow down from the daily grind. Now that Summer…

Power of Mind

Power of Mind

I have a love hate relationship with water. Specifically large bodies of water. Dark water. Water that I can’t see the bottom of. The more water, the bigger my issue. On one hand, I’m absolutely terrified by it. I was practically a teenager before I learned how to swim and I consider myself somewhat mediocre…

Motivation Monday

Motivation Monday

I love words. I love to read them, listen to them, speak them. Beautifully strung together words to make a point or inspire are like music to my ears. Whenever I hear or read things that I love, quotes, little snippets, words that motivate or inspire me, I quickly jot them down in the notes…