Plan of the Week
Here is your Empowering Women In Real Estate Plan of the Week for April 20-24, 2020, brought to you by Empower Coaching!
How’s everyone doing? There is a lot of talk right now about which areas can “re-open” and which can’t and under what sort of guidelines. It is both exciting and terrifying!
This too shall pass.
Let’s focus on what we know and what we can control this week, start here …
-Write 5 personal notes. This week I am planning a thank you note for a gift, a congratulations note for a client with a ratified contract, a thank you note to a past client who reached out for assistance (this one is a good story … I helped them 5 years ago, and haven’t hard a peep since. I’ve been faithful with my monthly vendor postcard, email drawings, and holiday mailers, and it has paid off), and that’s all I’ve got right this moment!
-Post 5 business social media posts. This week I will be sharing my Spring newsletter (you are getting this too!), a post for a new listing, and a post or two featuring a local business. I’m still working on ideas for the rest.
-Contact 15 people. This has been working really well for me by focusing on 3 people per day. Admittedly most of my contacts are texts, but they are working. I’ll tell you that I am starting to feel a little edgy with this task … in the next week or so I will have worked my way out of my “A+/A” clients and moving more towards the Bs and Cs … people I don’t feel like I have as strong of a relationship with (or at least not as frequent contact) so I am already feeling the awkwardness. Can you relate? One day at a time, 3 contacts at a time. Let’s stay focused together. Your script is simple … “Just checking in … How are you holding up?”. That’s it. Get used to doing this. It’s going to be on your list for a while.
-Get started with a “Cutest Pet” contest. This is a new addition to the Client Care Program. We had a different contest planned for this month, but it didn’t feel right giving the current circumstances, so we did a last minute pivot. My team just wrapped ours up (I wanted to see the results before sharing with you) and it went SO WELL! We had over 100 entries. Lots of shares and engagement. I’ll be walking you through the process tomorrow via Facebook Live in the group around 9:30 am for our Weekly Quick Lesson.
-Send (or post) your Spring Newsletter. I have the text all ready for you to put your finishes touches on it! I’ll be sharing this with you later today.
Do you find these plans helpful or wish you had more details, guidance and accountability? Just a reminder that for a limited time my Empower Coaching program, of which this plan is the foundation, is FREE! I’m committed to helping my fellow real estate agents, lenders, title executives and more to stay connected with their businesses during this historic world event, and to come out the other side with their businesses intact. If you would like to join our FREE coaching program, look for the link in the pinned post in this group, or search for “Empower Coaching by Karen Cooper” and request to join.
Make it a great week!