Do You Doubt Yourself?

Have you ever done this? Established your business plan, set your goals, identified your action steps all with faith in your self and what you can accomplish … then doubted yourself to the point that you stop, fall short, don’t follow through?

I’ve seen it happen over and over again with wonderful people in our industry. I’ve seen it happen with me.

It’s one of the reasons I would always do my best NOT to be seen dropping off my pop bys. I’m sure if someone is watching when I do these, it must be hysterical. I remember this time when I was dropping off a couple pop bys to two past clients, both of whom I hadn’t seen in person in several years. I was prepared, excited, ready to do my pop bys. Until it was time to actually do them.

As I slowly drove down their street and began to approach the house, the doubt hit. What if they’re home? What if they don’t remember me? What if they are annoyed that I stopped by? Maybe I shouldn’t stop. Is that a car in their driveway?

Then (after sometimes driving by twice) it was now or never … I pull up (always with the driver’s side towards the house), usually double parked in the street, and in an instant, flashers on, open my door (and leave it open for the quick retreat) and sprint to the door. It is surely the fastest and quietest I have ever moved in my entire life. Hang the bag on the door knob then RUN back to the car, careful not to look around so as to not make eye contact with anyone. Once back in my car and safely up the street I would send them a message letting them know that I was in the neighborhood and dropped something off at their door.

Does this sound familiar to you at all? It’s kind of crazy when you think about it … has someone ever dropped off a little gift at your house or place of business that has you annoyed? That you didn’t appreciate or remember them?

So then why do we doubt ourselves? When you set a goal for yourself, do you start to backtrack on it as you doubt your ability to achieve it? When it comes time to implement that business plan that you carefully and thoughtfully put together, do you begin to slowly pick it apart until you are back to the “safe” version that is just “okay” and will keep you in the same spot in your business year after year?

The next time doubt shows up, whether in the form of an actual person or the voice in your head, look the other way. Take an action step toward what you are afraid of, no matter how small. Call or message a friend or colleague who will help boost you up and keep those roots firmly planted. Take a time out, go for a walk, preview a property, remember again why what you are striving to achieve is important to you, your business, your family. Stay in faith, it’s the best place to be.

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