It’s been almost 4 months since my team and I made the move to ΓEA⅃ Brokerage … and there’s a whole lot we’ve learned in that time!
On today’s episode of Empowering Women in Real Estate® – The Podcast I’m breaking down the good AND the bad of our experience. You can listen in on your favorite podcast app, or by clicking the link below.
And if you are interested in learning more about ΓEA⅃ , please don’t hesitate to reach out to me! I’ve started a highlight on my Instagram of more detailed information about ΓEA⅃ … but it is only for those labeled as my “close friends”. If it is not content that is interesting to you, you won’t see it. But if it is, just DM me on Instagram (I’m @karen.w.cooper) with “close friends” and I’ll add you to the list so you can start seeing that content too!