On Thursday we will be celebrating the SEVEN year anniversary of the Empowering Women in Real Estate community … 7!
To be honest, when I started this group it was to fill my own loneliness. I had moved out of the field to be a managing broker, and had really lost the day to day closeness I felt with the women I worked with.
I was surrounded by agents all day every day, and spoke with them all day long … but almost exclusively in the role as problem solver.
My other role was as a recruiter for my brokerage … which meant when I did see or call other agents they really didn’t want to talk to me for fear of being sold to.
I had been following along on social media watching my friend Samantha Scott Tunador experience Stella & Dot’s “Hoopla” conference (Jessica Herrin is an entrepreneur that you NEED to follow) and loved the show of camaraderie and togetherness and was feeling very envious (and a lot of FOMO) of that type of environment.
And then I thought, why not create it for myself and other women in the real estate industry?!
Surely if I am feeling this way, others are too, and Empowering Women in Real Estate was born!
Now here we are 7 years later …
With over 27,000 women as members from all across the US and many other countries.
With a podcast that has over 45,000 downloads and more than 85 episodes.
With a monthly membership program offering group coaching and systems specifically for women in real estate.
And here we are, celebrating with our 7th Anniversary Celebration Meet Up this Thursday, July 29th in Ashburn, VA with just SEVEN tickets remaining before we will have a sold out crowd of 100.
Lucky #7?
Nah, purpose being fulfilled.