
A while ago I started reading the book, “Everything is Figureoutable” by Marie Forleo.

I was struggling with the book so I switched to the audio book version.

I was struggling with the audio book version so I decided to switch to another book.

Only every time I asked Alexa (she reads my audio books to me in the morning in my bathroom while I get ready via an Echo Dot) to read my book she kept going back to this book.

Okay, okay, I’ll listen.

Then this week I heard what I needed to hear. If I don’t pick up anything else from this book, this was worth it …

“Clarity comes from engagement, not thought.”

Do you struggle with decision making? Do you think, think, think and think some more when you are unsure about something?

I am very guilty of this with decisions big and small. I’ll think and talk and think some more trying to figure out the “right” answer, when really all I need to do is take a little action.

Just one little bit of action or step is like opening the floodgates and before long (sometimes right away) my answer becomes usually crystal clear. I know this. I’ve talked about this. I’ve learned this lesson before.

And I guess I needed to learn it again!

What decision are you struggling with right now?

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