Happy Anniversary!

Earlier this month my team celebrated our 6 year anniversary, and I couldn’t be more proud.
Oh, the things I’ve learned as a Team Leader these past 6 years!
Here are a few of my favorite lessons …
-Get yourself a good partner. Vicky Noufal and I push each other in the best of ways. Many of the areas where I am weak, she is strong, and vice versa. Yes, there are challenges that come with having a partnership vs making all the decisions on your own … but you also don’t have to make all the decisions on your own and that is a beautiful thing!
-Hire strong leadership and a top notch support team. You need to surround yourself with people you can trust (this takes time), and with people who believe in and can see your vision even when you can’t.
-There is no one size fits all. Our team is made up of 37 incredible women. Most are moms. Some are grandmas. All are amazing … in their own way. Get to know your team members. Embrace their differences, as those differences will become your strength.
-You won’t get it right the first time. And maybe not even the fifth. Being a team leader means constantly learning to grow, shift, pivot, tweak. Things that worked for us year 1 no longer worked in year 3 and for sure wouldn’t work now. Get real comfortable with change and don’t be afraid to make changes as you go.
Are you a real estate team leader or do you aspire to be one? Share your experiences in the comments.
PS: Our June Empowering Women in Real Estate Education Series course will be on Team Building 101!

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